NEDs play a critical role in the strategic oversight, culture and purpose of organizations

Non-executive directors (NEDs) – also known as supervisory or independent outside directors are a proven way of helping businesses of all sizes and ownership structures to gain access to valuable talent whose experience can add constructive insights.

A cohesive board of talented, diverse and experienced directors is perhaps the greatest asset a chief executive and management team can have at their disposal to seize business opportunities and effectively manage risk. This is particularly true at a time of rapid business change, digital disruption, evolving business models and societal expectations.

Who we are

We are a platform aimed at enabling companies eager to implement best-practice systems and abide by rigorous compliance standards — be they domestic or international — to identify, select, connect with and ultimately retain the Non-executive (or independent) directors (“NED/s”) aligned with their needs, vision and philosophy.
Over the years, we have built and continuously curate a pool of highly-qualified NEDs with diverse profiles and skill sets, functional experiences and industry expertise, all fiercely independent and bound by the same values and passion to help businesses achieve their unique corporate objectives and grow the right way.

Why NEDs matter

NED/s & Corporate Governance

Disclosure and transparency are paramount to provide regulators and stakeholders with accurate information about the financial, operational and other aspects of a company. A company’s corporate governance should be a priority for any business owner in order to ensure that its company/ies is/are compliant with local applicable laws and regulation.

NED/s play a key-role in the proper running of operating companies at all stages of the company’s commercial development. By providing in-depth knowledge and a sound board to both management and principal(s), NEDs help companies improve their corporate credibility and governance standards, and by doing so, the company accelerate the growth and value creation process.

NEDs are not expected to look into ‘executive direction’. They rather focus on board matters, providing an independent and impartial view of the company that is dissociated from the day-to-day running.

The ideal NED should have complementary skills and experience that will add value to your business on board matters including:

  • Governance and risk management
  • Strategy, operations and people
  • Leadership succession
  • Cross-sector and cross-border insights
  • Sustainability, technology and purpose
  • Accessing a wider network of useful contacts

NED/s' Responsibilities


  • NED/s are responsible for determining appropriate levels of remuneration of executive directors.

Performance monitoring

  • NED/s take responsibility for monitoring the performance of executive management.
  • They have a prime role in appointing as well as removing executive directors and be involved in succession planning.

Strategic direction

  • Remote from operational day-to-day duties, NED/s are known to understand the interests of the company with more elevated objectivity. They have a clearer, broader view of external factors surrounding the company and its business environment.

Let's Talk.

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NEDs and Economic Substance (“ESR”)

Pursuant to ESR, certain companies deploying a “relevant activity” have to demonstrate that they have effective substance in their jurisdiction by satisfying a so-called “economic substance test”. ESR is in force in the UAE since 30th April 2019.

A company meets the test if it is directed and managed in the UAE and has adequate people, premises and expenditure in the country.

In this context, the composition and competence of the board of directors – composed of both executive director(s) and NED/s –, and the proper recording of minutes of all board meetings are key factors when assessing whether a company is compliant or not.