Get-NEDs credo

All our NEDs are fiercely independent and bound by the same values and passion to help businesses achieve their unique corporate objectives, and grow the right way.

As a NED, I will always:

  • act ethically and in good faith with due care, competence and diligence;
  • avoid conflicts of interest and demonstrate independence and impartiality at all times;
  • ensure strict abidance with Applicable Laws.
  • adhere to the highest standards of confidentiality;
  • carry out all duties ordinarily and reasonably expected of a non-executive or executive director including acting in the best interests of the client and fulfilling my fiduciary obligations;
  • perform the duties of a non-executive or executive director efficiently and diligently and act in good faith with as much time, attention, ability and skill as required;
  • ensure the application of independent judgment to planning and strategic direction aligned with the relevant laws and regulations as applicable to my post as a non-executive or executive director;
  • ensure that in performing the duties of a non-executive or executive director, no act constitutes a breach in duty or otherwise conflicts with legal and ethical standards attached to the post;
  • immediately inform the client should there be any reason or circumstance potentially detrimental to the interests of the client; and
  • not commit any act or omission which is prejudicial or detrimental to the reputation of the client.

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NEDs and Economic Substance (“ESR”)

Pursuant to ESR, certain companies deploying a “relevant activity” have to demonstrate that they have effective substance in their jurisdiction by satisfying a so-called “economic substance test”. ESR is in force in the UAE since 30th April 2019.

A company meets the test if it is directed and managed in the UAE and has adequate people, premises and expenditure in the country.

In this context, the composition and competence of the board of directors – composed of both executive director(s) and NED/s –, and the proper recording of minutes of all board meetings are key factors when assessing whether a company is compliant or not.